Revolution of Dance for Teens in Indonesia now is Shuffle Dance
For a moment we see the updates of people on twitter, I often see groups of people are talking about a dance called 'shuffle dance', the dance movements from Australia who has shuffled back, sides and forward as the moonwalk dance ever done by the King Pop "Michael Jackson". But the shuffle a little different from the moonwalk dance, shuffle dance movement that is more agile than the moonwalk.As the growth in time, a variety of shuffle dance competition held in large stadiums in malaysia even on the road - the road much to do urban dance shuffle, the trend started in the late decades of the 1980s, derived from the Melbourne Underground Scene, Australia. Glance similar to jazz dance. "In the 2004 re-shuffle dance prevalent in Australia, until in 2006 and in Indonesia. That too little has. End of 2009 began to busy, and now even my words very crowded even at the Mall - the mall bandung I often refer to shuffle around the community there, because many young people who like dance and eventually becoming more popular in the dance world.
Shuffler is the name for the player shuffle dance. Also in apresiasikan dance shuffle through songs LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem, Two Door Cinema Club - What you Want, Passion Pit - The Reeling and many more band or singer who mengapresikan dance.Too many ads are mengapresikan dance shuffle in his ads, for example in Indonesia, namely advertising 'Tango Wafer'.
Shuffle dance is also often used in the Club - a club night in Indonesia where the young people dancing and partying young children or the term 'clubbing' dancing with the shuffle dance style, keliatannya may take place to perform the dance in the clubing but that's the beauty of his art there is a separate Shuffler for these and it sounds very boring if we do it with regular clubing style dance.
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Setau gw Shuffle Dance itu berasal dari melbourne,australia cuy :D
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